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'Dream Chaser' Spacecraft Set to Blast Off Next Year


The private space industry is going to infinity and beyond — or at the very least, into orbit.

Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) Space Systems announced that their spacecraft will launch on Nov. 1, 2016 in an unmanned, orbital flight, with plans to launch a manned flight in 2017.

After making a deal with United Launch Alliance — a company that provides space launch services for the U.S. government — the SNC Space Systems' craft, known as Dream Chaser, will launch attached to an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Two years ago, NASA committed $1.1 billion to three companies — Boeing, SpaceX and SNC Space Systems — to get astronauts flying in American spacecrafts again in what was called the Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCAP) initiative. Currently, American astronauts have to tag along in Russian Soyuz capsules to get to the International Space Station, a trip that costs NASA $70.7 million per seat. Read more...

More about News, Space, Us, Nasa, and Space Shuttle

from Mashable


The private space industry is going to infinity and beyond — or at the very least, into orbit.

Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) Space Systems announced that their spacecraft will launch on Nov. 1, 2016 in an unmanned, orbital flight, with plans to launch a manned flight in 2017.

After making a deal with United Launch Alliance — a company that provides space launch services for the U.S. government — the SNC Space Systems' craft, known as Dream Chaser, will launch attached to an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Two years ago, NASA committed $1.1 billion to three companies — Boeing, SpaceX and SNC Space Systems — to get astronauts flying in American spacecrafts again in what was called the Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCAP) initiative. Currently, American astronauts have to tag along in Russian Soyuz capsules to get to the International Space Station, a trip that costs NASA $70.7 million per seat. Read more...

More about News, Space, Us, Nasa, and Space Shuttle

from Mashable

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