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Organize your summer trips

We see that lots of you are making summer travel plans for this
weekend and the upcoming months, so we wanted to remind you to use
TripIt to help you stay organized.

More than 500 booking sites

TripIt now supports travel confirmation emails from over 500 different
booking sites, including nearly every major airline, hotel and rental
car company, as well as airport shuttles, trains, cruiselines, events,
restaurant reservations and travel agencies. Just forward all your
confirmation emails to to automatically create your
summer itinerary.

See a list of all of our supported booking sites here:

on your mobile phone

Our new iPhone app is a huge hit! Download the latest version for free
in the iPhone app store.

you're using a Blackberry or other mobile device, point it to to get your full itinerary on your phone.

TripIt making news

Matt Gross, the Frugal Traveler at the New York Times, recently
included TripIt in a great round-up of travel research tools:

is also one of the Web 2.0 apps chosen for this year's CNET
Webware 100. This is quite an honor. Many thanks to those of you who
voted for us!

you tweet, please follow TripIt on Twitter -
help us spread the word about TripIt...140 characters at a time.

Happy Travels!



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